Could you tell me how can I uncache the default home page in Rikulo Stream? By home page I mean the main domain ( with no sub path (/xxx), not even including '/'. The urimapping setting doesn't allow me to set a filter for a path that not start with '/', '.', '[' or '(' and (.*) is not working for me, (cache-control is still set to max-age=2592000 for the default home page).
Is it a static page (e.g., index.html) or a RSP page?
If it is RSP, you can specify the header(s) you like. For example,
Cache-Control="no-cache, must-revalidate, no-store, private, max-stale=0, max-age=0, post-check=0, pre-check=0"
Expires="0" Pragma="no-cache"]
If it is static, there is no direct way to override max-age, ETAG, and related headers. But, there is a few alternatives. First, you can implement your own resource loader).
Second, you implement a handler to set the header and include the real page. Assume you mapped HTML files under /s:
uriMapping: {
r"/s/.*\.html": (HttpConnect connect) {
connect.response.headers..contentType = "text/html"
..add("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); //also other headers
return connect.include(connect.request.uri.path.substring(2));
Of course, you can implement your HTML file in RSP. Then, you got the total control. Plus, you can use the script tag to generate a proper link easily (which includes a simple version control).