I'm replacing an old PHP API with one implemented in Clojure. The API has an endpoint that accepts array style parameters, for example:
PHP would yield this:
"person" => array(
"name" => "John",
"gender" => "m"
We're currently using Ring's wrap-params to process the parameters. If you look at the source for ring's input decoding, you'll see that ring takes a simple view of decoding the input parameters - just split it on the &
and =
. It therefore yields the following:
{"person[name]" "John"
"person[gender]" "m"}
To be explicit, in Clojure, I'd want the following parameters:
{"person" {"name" "John"
"gender" "m"}}
How can I set up my ring app to properly accept the array style parameters supported by PHP? Is there any third party middleware I can use?
If you need to support these nested parameter arrays, that functionality is provided in the ring.middleware.nested-params
package. The wrap-nested-params
middleware works together with wrap-params
- params puts the data in the request map's :params
key, and nested params replaces it with the fully expanded input.
(use '[ring.middleware.params :only (wrap-params)])
(use '[ring.middleware.nested-params :only (wrap-nested-params)])
(def app (wrap-params (wrap-nested-params your-handler)))