I am attempting to use the standard Facebook share button to share a deep link into my iframe page tab of the form:
where app_data content is a deep link relative path into my iframe page tab app content (e.g. /path/to/page_that_I_shared_from).
Just to be clear, there is a Share button on my iframe app page, and I am trying to generate the link back to that page to be shared.
I place the absolute URL above into the data-href parameter per the Share Dialog documentation, and when I click the Share button, the url in the share dialog is of the form:
but when the post is rendered, the query string is stripped completely.
Note that if I use a non-Facebook URL, the query string is preserved.
I do notice that app_id parameter in the share dialog URL - perhaps the fact that this is coming from inside the page tab iframe makes a difference.
Initial testing with the feed dialog looks promising, but I'd like to use the share button since it provides more flexibility as to the destination of the post.
The final solution was to generate the link like so:
https://www.facebook.com/pages/<page id>/<page id>?id=<page_id>&sk=app_<FB_app_ id>&app_data=<deep link>
where deep_link is a relative URL with a query string that starts with a '?' and has the '&' characters replaced with '|' characters (poor man's encoding that I decode on the way in).
I saw several suggestions (mostly here on SO) to double or even triple encode the app_data URL - none of these worked, and usually they resulted in links that could not be posted by the sharer.php script.