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How to support GUID in Windows Azure Mobile services

It is specifically mention that WAMS needs a int ID column to work in SQL Azure. However when developing enterprise apps over distributed databases, GUIDs are the preferred Primary key to have. How does one get around avoiding int ID column and support GUID?

If that cannot be done then how does one go about syncing data on the cloud from multiple standalone databases on various tablets/mobile the app using WAMS is running on?


  • An update on this issue - as of last week, the mobile services now support arbitrary strings as the ids for the column - check out this post for more information. You can now insert data with an 'id' value (which you couldn't before), so you can use a Guid value on insert. Also, if you don't send anything on the Id column on insert (or that value is set to null), the server will by default generate an unique identifier for the column.