I have this doubt: ¿Wich are the differences between: open a file and access a file?
I'm working with fanotify, and I'm only interested on FAN_ACCESS events. I start my program and when I try to edit some file, the program does what it has to do.
Said that, I have wrote some tests, and some of test cases uses code like this:
filesystem::ofstream acces_to_file;
acces_to_file << "Some text" << endl;
but surprisingly, this access is no detected by my program. I access the same file from nano (even without restart the so mentioned program) and all works again.
Thats why I think it has to be some difference between access and open a file.
The program is always executed by root user.
I set the flags as following:
In general, opening a file tells the OS you want to operate with the file.
In general, file access is how you operate with the file: read only, write only, read & write. Some access permission also include sequential or random.