I want to use C# class methods in Excel. Can anybody guid me how to do it ? The C# component will be excel add-in. How to create setup for this addin, so that I just need to give setup to user which will install add-in at client's machine. User should not need to do any other steps like registering the C# dll.
You will need to create a new Visual Studio project of type Excel 2007 Add-In (or Excel 2003 Add-In). The option for this can be found (in Visual Studio 2008) at:
New Project dialog -> Project types -> Visual C# -> Office
This Add-In will need to be installed on the target machine(s).
The Add-In will be able to hook into the Excel object model and therefore access any loaded spreadsheets etc.
The Add-In will also be able to add buttons to the Excel toolbar/ribbon.