I want to create a bindingSource that supports sorting by multiple columns and attach it to a bindingNavigator. I am using winforms and code-first EF.
I am constructing my query in the following manner
DbSet<Person> dset = DBContext.People;
string Searchstr ="Smith";
string sortby ="LastName, FirstName"
var qry = (IOrderedQueryable<Person>) dset.Where(
p => p.LastName.Contains(Searchstr) )
binding.datasource = dset.Local.ToBindingList(); // where binding has been dropped on form at design time.
binding.sort = sortby; // this is the line that screws up the sort order
I am using the extension method documented here to achieve the multi-column order by.
The problem turned out to be that I had set binding.sortby =sortby. Using the multi column sortby was OK in the query because of the clever extension ( see link in the question) however it does not work to set the binding.sort to an expression involving multiple columns The code works fine if I remove that line.