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Need advice related to yelp dataset

We preprocessed the data of the yelp dataset and added category,subcategory for each restaurant. Our data now contains the rows Business_id, name, review_count, stars received, nearby_school, category, subcategory, is_vegetarian, latitude, longitude.

The columns descriptions are at this link:

Example row:

__EmsZiRXiUmljbfpOqZig,Awful Arthur's Seafood Co,11,2.5,Virginia Tech,Restaurant,Seafood,no,37.2283389,-80.4142281

We want to understand which type of cuisine (eg. Seafood, Chinese, American, Indian) is more popular near a school. We are new to data analysis. Can someone help give any suggestions how to go about this?


  • As a very simple analysis, you could create an index for all businesses by their nearby school. And then for each school rank businesses by cuisine and stars received.

    There are many patterns you might be able to find in common across universities.