After upgrading to Mavericks(OSX 10.9) I can not longer input a lowercase "t". "T" works fine. It does not matter if I type or copy and paste.
Has anyone see this before?
python -V
Python 2.7.5
when I try to enter this command:
select * from methylation450 where cancer='BRCA' and gene_name='PTGS2' limit 10;
I get the following output:
selec* from meylaon450 where cancer='BRCA' and gene_name='PTGS2' limi10;
Running the same query as a file cqlsh -f cmd.file works just fine
With Mac OSX Mavericks, I also saw this issue after configuring SSL for cqlsh.
After running easy_install readline as a super user, running reset in the Terminal, and restarting cqlsh, I was able to fix the issue.