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MSDeploy setParamFile is not recognizing parameters

I'm trying to use MSDeploy with the parameter settings file option so I can build once and deploy to multiple environments by overriding the parameters with different files. From PowerShell I'm calling msdeploy.

msdeploy.exe -verb:sync `
 -source:"contentPath='$SourceLocalPath'" ` 
 -setParamFile:"$ParamFilePath" `

This results in an error about not recognizing parameters.

msdeploy.exe : Error: The declared parameter 'SqlConnString' is not recognized.

If I remove the "setParamFile" line, it deploys fine, but then uses default values. Also if I try to manually import the package from IIS, it displays the parameters with defaults filled in.

I have a Parameter.xml file in the root of the web project:

  <parameter name="SqlConnString" description="Please provide the SQL connection string" defaultValue="...;Initial Catalog=xxx;server=xxx;" tags="">
    <parameterEntry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\web.config$" match="/configuration/connectionStrings/add[@name='Sql']/@connectionString" />

The package is getting created with a ...SetParameters.xml file inside the package, which contains the entries from my Parameters.xml file plus the standard entries.

  <setParameter name="SqlConnString" value="...Initial Catalog=xxx;server=xxx;"/>

Thank you


  • Try changing the value in "name" from "SqlConnString" to "YourSqlConnectionName-Web.config Connection String". If you want to know the exact name you have to look at your web.config file. The above example should work for a section like this in your web.config file:

        <add name="YourSqlConnectionName"
          connectionString="...;Initial Catalog=xxx;server=xxx;"

    So you should configure your setParameters.xml file like:

      <setParameter name="YourSqlConnectionName-Web.config Connection String" value="...Initial Catalog=xxx;server=xxx;"/>

    and your Parameters.xml file like:

      <parameter name="YourSqlConnectionName-Web.config Connection String" description="Please provide the SQL connection string" defaultValue="...;Initial Catalog=xxx;server=xxx;" tags="">
        <parameterEntry kind="XmlFile" scope="\\web.config$" match="/configuration/connectionStrings/add[@name='YourSqlConnectionName']/@connectionString" />

    Hope this solves your issue.