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ModelSim error: Instantiation of 'OR' failed

I am having trouble with running a Verilog project with ModelSim Student Edition 10.2c. Everything compiles without error, however I get the following error at runtime:

# vsim -gui work.testbench 
# Loading work.testbench
# Loading work.circuit1_assign
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/circuit1_assign.v(14): Instantiation of 'OR' failed. The design unit was not found.
#         Region: /testbench/c
#         Searched libraries:
#             C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/hw4
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/circuit1_assign.v(16): Instantiation of 'NOT' failed. The design unit was not found.
#         Region: /testbench/c
#         Searched libraries:
#             C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/hw4
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/circuit1_assign.v(18): Instantiation of 'AND' failed. The design unit was not found.
#         Region: /testbench/c
#         Searched libraries:
#             C:/Modeltech_pe_edu_10.2c/examples/hw4
# Loading work.t1
# Error loading design

I have no idea what this means. I think this is a simple mistake I am making, but I cannot resolve it. Does anybody know what I can do so that my project will work?

I believe this has to do with the inability to include the file where AND, OR and NOT are defined. After googling, I found that the file modelsim.ini must be placed in the project directory. However, I have placed modelsim.ini in the correct directory, yet it still does not work.

I have posted all three source files for my project (which is simply testing a combinational circuit). Here is my code for circuit1_assign.v:

module circuit1_assign
    input x,
    input y,
    input z,
    output f
  wire w1, w2;
  OR  o1 (.i0(x), .i1(y), .o(w1));
  NOT n1 (.i2(z), .o(w2));
  AND a1 (.i3(w1), .i4(w2), .o(f));

Here is code for a test:

`timescale 1ns/1ps

module t1
    output reg a,
    output reg b,
    output reg c
          a = 0;        //Do all combinations of possible input values    
          b = 0;
          c = 0;
          #10 a = 0;
          #10 b = 0;
          #10 c = 1;
          #10 a = 0;
          #10 b = 1;
          #10 c = 0;
          #10 a = 0;
          #10 b = 1;
          #10 c = 1;
          #10 a = 1;
          #10 b = 0;
          #10 c = 0;
          #10 a = 1;
          #10 b = 0;
          #10 c = 1;
          #10 a = 1;
          #10 b = 1;
          #10 c = 0;
          #10 a = 1;
          #10 b = 1;
          #10 c = 1;
          #10 $finish;

Here is my code for the testbench:

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module testbench();
    wire l, m, n, o;
    circuit1_assign c
      .x (l),
      .y (m),
      .z (n),
      .f (o)
    t1 t
      .a (l),
      .b (m),
      .c (n)
      $monitor ($time,,"l=%b, m=%b, n=%b, o=%b",
                      l, m, n, o);


  • Have you tried using lowercase gates (and, or, etc)?

    In every example of gate level modelling in verilog I have seen these primitives in lowercase, not uppercase.
