I am building a game in Flash for iOS using the Starling Framework. I am also using Nape, a 2D Physics engine. The problem I am experiencing is a particular method on the Nape engine uses flash.display.DisplayObject
, however, because I am using the Starling framework, I instead have to use starling.display.DisplayObject
. It returns this error:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type flash.display:DisplayObject to an unrelated type starling.display:DisplayObject.
There is no way to adjust this method. The Nape engine is compiled into a .swc, which I am unable to edit. The engine is also open source, but it is done in Haxe, and I cannot figure out how to compile it once I have edited it.
The source can be downloaded here: http://deltaluca.me.uk/docnew/
I need to change all the flash.display.DisplayObject
in the nape.utils.Debug
class to starling.display.DisplayObject
If you can lend me any advice I'd be really greatful.
Here is what I do, pretty simple. Let me know if you have any more questions.
When creating the Space -typically when the scene is created:
* Create debug drawing space to overlay on assets if flag enabled in Release config
_debug = new ShapeDebug(320*2, 480*2, 0x000000);
_debug.drawConstraints = true;
_debug.drawCollisionArbiters = true;
var MovieClipDebug:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
When the stage is destroyed:
_debug = null;
When the graphical engine updates:
* Update the positions of the depug layer
_debug.display.x = this.x;
_debug.display.y = this.y;
// handles camera zooming in/out
_debug.display.scaleX = this.scaleX;
_debug.display.scaleY = this.scaleY;