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Using file locks with rsync

From the rsync manual documentation I see that by using the option rsync-path, it is possible to specify what program is to be run on the remote machine to start up rsync. In particular, the program could be a wrapper script which calls the actual rsync command in the middle, but which does some actions before and/or after the rsync invocation. One possible interesting use would be to acquire/release a lock (e.g., a flock), so that the operations of rsync at the remote end could be co-ordinated with another process at the far end which is contending for write access to the same files. There could be multiple rsync processes simultaneously holding the shared lock (I am aware of potential for starvation but am not concerned about that right now). The 'writer' process I'm dealing with would just be changing a few hard-links, so it would not block the rsync process for any significant lengh of time.

I have looked at other co-ordination approaches, e.g., implementing a custom remote locking protocol between the client and server, but they all involve more development work and/or are unsatisfactory for other reasons, which is why I am interested in the wrapper/(f)lock approach.

My questions are:

1) Is this a reasonable way to solve the problem of co-ordinating rsync 'readers' with another, 'writer' process accessing the same directory?

2) Can you also put a wrapper around rsync when using the inetd (or xinetd) daemon approach to running rsync, by adding a line something like the following to /etc/inetd.conf (as per the rsyncd.conf man page):

rsync stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/rsync rsyncd --daemon

but replacing /usr/bin/rsync with the path to your rsync-lookalike wrapper, which in this case would be a C/C++ -code program which seizes a lock, forks off rsync, waits for rsync to complete, then releases the lock.

Thanks, Tom


  • As per comments to the original post, it is indeed feasible to use wrapper approach to implement (f)locks around rsync at the server end.