I'm trying to install the TeeQR packages, and i'm afraid I might have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know which file I'm supposed to build and how, but it doesn't matter, because they all have errors that don't make sense to me.
The step-by-step instructions given by Steema led me to step number 15:
"15. Build the project. You may find an error finding the correct runtime library for QuickReport. So you should look for the dcp file that causes the problem at the requires list, remove it from the list and add the correct one from your QuickReport installation folder, inside its bpl folder. Then, try to build it again."
No idea what that means. I just want to install two components that are suppused to be compatible with each other and with their version of delphi.
Tried to build DclTee9QR5D19 package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] Tee9QR5D19.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'Tee9QR5D19' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] DclTee9QR5D19.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'Tee9QR5D19' not found
Tried to build DclTQR919 package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] TeeQR919.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'TeeQR919' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] DclTQR919.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'TeeQR919' not found
Tried to build Tee9QR5D19 Package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] QR5RunDXE5.dpk(1): E2225 Never-build package 'QR5RunDXE5' must be recompiled
[dcc32 Fatal Error] Tee9QR5D19.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'QR5RunDXE5' not found
Tried to build TeeQR919 package:
[dcc32 Fatal Error] TeeQR919.dpk(35): E2202 Required package 'QuickRpt' not found
To perform this operation you should be familiar with Delphi packages. Step 15 means that you may need to change the QuickReport package reference in the run-time TeeChart package for QuickReport (Tee9QR5D19.dpk) to the QuickReport version you have installed. In the example you post it is QR5RunDXE5.dcp. If that's not the QuickReport version you have installed you should change that reference. Also notice that you need a QuickReport version installed before installing TQRChart packages. Once you get Tee9QR5D19.dpk compiling you should continue with the design-time package (DclTee9QR5D19.dpk) as explained in the instructions.