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Integer division compared to floored quotient: why this surprising result?

The // "integer division" operator of Python surprised me, today:

>>> math.floor(11/1.1)
>>> 11//1.1

The documentation reads "(floored) quotient of x and y". So, why is math.floor(11/1.1) equal to 10, but 11//1.1 equal to 9?


  • Because 1.1 can't be represented in binary form exactly; the approximation is a littler higher than 1.1 - therefore the division result is a bit too small.

    Try the following:

    Under Python 2, type at the console:

    >>> 1.1

    In Python 3.1, the console will display 1.1, but internally, it's still the same number.


    >>> 11/1.1

    As gnibbler points out, this is the result of "internal rounding" within the available precision limits of floats. And as The MYYN points out in his comment, // uses a different algorithm to calculate the floor division result than math.floor() in order to preserve a == (a//b)*b + a%b as well as possible.

    Use the Decimal type if you need this precision.