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Thoughts on throw helpers

To reduce redundant code, I have some throw helper methods:

protected static X ThrowInvalidOperation(string operation, X a, X b) {
    throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid operation: " + a.type.ToString() + " " + operation + " " + b.type.ToString());


    public static X operator +(X a, X b) {
        if (...) {
            return new X(...);
        return ThrowInvalidOperation("+", a, b);

Problem: Because the operator + must always return a value, I fixed this by making ThrowInvalidOperation return a value and call it with returnThrowInvalidOperation("+", a, b);

There a many disadvatages - one is because I can't call it from a method returning a different type.
I wish there is there a way to mark the helper function "always throws a exception", so the compiler stops tracking return values.

Q: What possibilities do I have to make this work?


  • Make the exception:

    protected static Exception MakeInvalidOperation(string operation, X a, X b)
        return new InvalidOperationException(
            "Invalid operation: " + a.type + " " + operation + " " + b.type);

    Then throw it:

    throw MakeInvalidOperation("+", a, b);

    You're in good company:

    // Type: Microsoft.Internal.Web.Utils.ExceptionHelper
    // Assembly: WebMatrix.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
    // MVID: 3F332B40-45DB-42E2-A4ED-0826DE223A79
    // Assembly location: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\WebMatrix.Data\v4.0_1.0.0.0__31bf3856ad364e35\WebMatrix.Data.dll
    using System;
    namespace Microsoft.Internal.Web.Utils
        internal static class ExceptionHelper
            internal static ArgumentException CreateArgumentNullOrEmptyException(string paramName)
                return new ArgumentException(CommonResources.Argument_Cannot_Be_Null_Or_Empty, paramName);

    Although it's not that much code to write your own custom Exception-based type (or InvalidOperationException-based) and define some constructor that formats a message for you.

    To reduce redundant code

    When I hear this, I think AOP which is implemented quite well by PostSharp. If you have lots of redundant code you should consider AOP, but bear in mind that it might be overkill.