I would like to unpack the return of a function into :
a first variable always set up by the first returned value
a second variable to store any exceeded returned value
To do so, I have this code working under python3.x. How could I make it works with python 2.x (python2.6 at least) ?
a,*b = ['a','b','c']
Edit: This would also work with :
a,*b = ['a']
There is no straight forward way to do this in Python 2.7, instead you can create a new list without the first element and first element alone and unpack them into respective variables.
data = ['a','b','c']
a, b = data[0], data[1:]
print a, b
a ['b', 'c']
This solution will still work, even if the RHS has only one element
data = ['a']
a, b = data[0], data[1:]
print a, b
a []