How to create a ListView in WPF so that some ListViewItems have icon and some not? I'd like to achive the ListView as in the below image.
I started with the below code but didn't get how to set the icon to the first 4 items only but not to other items. If the item has no icon, its text should left-align with any icon as shown in the image.
I also need to give the items with no icon slightly higher height than the items with icon.
<ListViewItem Content="Save" />
<ListViewItem Content="Save As" />
<ListViewItem Content="Open" />
<ListViewItem Content="Close" />
<ListViewItem Content="Info" />
<ListViewItem Content="Recent" />
<ListViewItem Content="New" />
' ???
Though i agree that this seems like a Menu and not a ListView as mentioned above , this would still be relevant with the use of MenuItems.
You should be aware that Content in Wpf can be set in 2 ways a Direct value like String , StaticResource , Binding (all are shorts of strings) , and a declarative value which you can describe a tree of elements as your content like iv'e shown below.
<ColumnDefinition Width="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="2*"/>
<Image Source="SomeSource.png" />
<TextBlock Text="Save" Grid.Column="1" />
<ListViewItem Content="Save As" />
<ListViewItem Content="Open" />
<ListViewItem Content="Close" />
<ListViewItem Content="Info" />
<ListViewItem Content="Recent" />
<ListViewItem Content="New" />