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Defining a unique constraint on Django CMSPlugin field in a multilingual site

I have a field title in a model Skill inheriting from CMSPlugin. I am using the following properties of my Skill objects as a unique identifier:

  • title
  • language
  • (weather the corresponding page is published or draft)

I would like to prevent users from creating two instances where these three properties are equal. It seems I cannot achieve this with a unique_together definition, as the third property is not part of the model. Is there a built-in mechanism in the Django CMS to define such a constraint?


  • Sure thing, this is what I gathered from your question.

    from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
    class MyPlugin(CMSPlugin):
        title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
        is_draft = models.BooleanField(default=False)
        def clean(self):
            manager = self.__class__.objects
            self.is_draft =
            if manager.filter(title=self.title, language=self.language, is_draft=self.is_draft).exists():
                raise ValidationError("Duplicate !!!")