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Vagrant Commands Different Folders

In Bashes/Shells it is usually pretty easy to perform commands in one folder but have it apply to another folder. For example, with ls you can do ls -l /some/folder or ls /some/folder -l, and both list all files/directories in the /some/folder directory as well as permissions, owners, etc.

Is there any way to do this with the command-line VM managing program Vagrant? When I tried, from the C: directory (/c) with Git Bash (msysgit), vagrant init some/vagrant/folder, the created files & folders still got put in the folder I was in, /c, instead of the folder I specified, /c/some/vagrant/folder, and when I did vagrant some/vagrant/folder init, it threw an error.

Is there any way to have vagrant commands apply to a folder you're not in, or do I just have to cd every time I want to initialize a VM?


  • The documentation says that vagrant init intializes the current directory. So vagrant itself won't allow what you want. However, bash can help:

    (cd some/vagrant/folder; vagrant init)

    What this does is start a subshell in which you first immediately change directory and then issue the vagrant init command. Running it in a subshell prevents the cd from messing up the current working directory of your interactive session.