I'm making a small website for a game called League of Legends that compares matchup data (what champion counters a certain champs counters) and prints out results on a webpage. I'm using this html code that shows character portraits with onClick()
to make them start a function when clicked
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Aatrox_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Ahri_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Akali_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Alistar_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
<a href="#" onClick="tristanaweak()"><img src="portraits/Amumu_Square_0.png" width="25px" height="25px" alt=random></img>
I've already manually put in the picture filenames (which was very tedious), but I still have to rename the onclick()
values (tristanaweak) with the champion name (aatroxweak, ahriweak, etc.). I was thinking of doing this with a loop that edits text, but I don't know how I would go about doing this.
I'm fairly new to using Javascript, is there an easy way to rename all the onClick="tristanaweak()"
's in the html code to the first part of the png filenames in the same lines?
You should chose a different approach in my opinion. In javascript, you can also generate HTML dynamically using javascript function document.createElement(string tagName)
So, one of two possible soulitions would be creating a new images with new event for every champion:
<div id="hero_images">
var champions = [
name: "Veigar",
callback: function() {/**Whatever you wanna do in onclick**/}
name: "Vladimir",
callback: function() {/**Whatever you wanna do in onclick**/}
name: "Morgana",
callback: function() {/**Whatever you wanna do in onclick**/}
//Now lets make an image for every champion:
var container = document.getElementById("hero_images"); //We'll put images in div I've defined in HTML above
for(var i=0; i<champions.length; i++) { //Loop through "champions" which is an array
var a = document.createElement("a");
a.onclick = champions[i].callback; //Assign function from champion list to this <a>
//Also create the image
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = "portraits/"+champions[i].name+"_Square_0.png"; //I suppose image always have champion name in beginning
img.alt = champions[i].name; //Alternative text for no-image users
//Append image to link:
//Append <a> to <div>
But in fact, you should use a global function for champions and you should have champion stats defined in the champions
I've used. Under such circumstances:
var champions = [
name: "Veigar",
stats: {
inteligence: 666,
strength: 1,
/*..whatever you use...**/
for(/**imagine the prewious code here**/) {
a.onclick=(function(i) {
function ShowHeroStatsOrWhatever(champion) {
alert("Champions intelligence is "+champion.stats.inteligence);