Book book;
list<Book>* books;
string title;
string author;
int ISBN;
Book* Administrator::addBook()
Book *newBook = new Book();
cout << "Would you like to enter a book?" << endl;
cin >> userInput;
cout << endl;
if (userInput == "yes")
cout << "What is the title of the book you want to enter?" << endl;
cin >> title;
cout << "What is the author of the book you want to enter?" << endl;
cin >> author;
cout << "What is the ISBN of the book you want to enter?" << endl;
cin >> ISBN;
cout << endl;
return newBook;
Here im creating my book objects in my Administration
class, the problem im having is when i try and access them from another class, its says they are not there.
I did a bit of reading and understand I've to allocate the objects to the heap using dynamic memory management, is there a way i can do this within my code?
Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Here's a simple way:
if (userInput == "yes")
Book *newBook = new Book(); // <-- allocates a Book object on the heap
cout << "What is the title of the book you want to enter?" << endl;
return *newBook;