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Optimizing Python function with Parakeet

I need this function to be optimized as I am trying to make my OpenGL simulation run faster. I want to use Parakeet, but I can't quite understand in what way I would need to modify the code below in order to do so. Can you see what I should do?

def distanceMatrix(self,x,y,z):
    " ""Computes distances between all particles and places the result in a matrix such that the ij th matrix entry corresponds to the distance between particle i and j"" "
    xtemp = tile(x,(self.N,1))
    dx = xtemp - xtemp.T
    ytemp = tile(y,(self.N,1))
    dy = ytemp - ytemp.T
    ztemp = tile(z,(self.N,1))
    dz = ztemp - ztemp.T

    # Particles 'feel' each other across the periodic boundaries
    if self.periodicX:
        dx[dx>self.L/2]=dx[dx > self.L/2]-self.L
        dx[dx<-self.L/2]=dx[dx < -self.L/2]+self.L
    if self.periodicY:
    if self.periodicZ:

    # Total Distances
    d = sqrt(dx**2+dy**2+dz**2)

    # Mark zero entries with negative 1 to avoid divergences
    d[d==0] = -1

    return d, dx, dy, dz

From what I can tell, Parakeet should be able to use the above function without modifications - it only uses Numpy and math. But, I always get the following error when calling the function from the Parakeet jit wrapper:

AssertionError: Unsupported function: <bound method Particles.distanceMatrix of <particles.Particles instance at 0x04CD8E90>>


  • Parakeet is still young, its NumPy support is incomplete, and your code touches on several features that don't yet work.

    1) You're wrapping a method, while Parakeet so far only knows how to deal with functions. The common workaround is to make a @jit wrapped helper function and have your method call into that with all of the required member data. The reason that methods don't work is that it's non-trivial to assign a meaningful type to 'self'. It's not impossible, but tricky enough that methods won't make their way into Parakeet until lower hanging fruit are plucked. Speaking of low-hanging fruit...

    2) Boolean indexing. Not yet implemented but will be in the next release.

    3) np.tile: Also doesn't work, will also probably be in the next release. If you want to see which builtins and NumPy library functions will work, take a look at Parakeet's mappings module.

    I rewrote your code to be a little friendlier to Parakeet:

    def parakeet_dist(x, y, z, L, periodicX, periodicY, periodicZ):
      # perform all-pairs computations more explicitly 
      # instead of tile + broadcasting
      def periodic_diff(x1, x2, periodic):
        diff = x1 - x2 
        if periodic:
          if diff > (L / 2): diff -= L
          if diff < (-L/2): diff += L
        return diff
      dx = np.array([[periodic_diff(x1, x2, periodicX) for x1 in x] for x2 in x])
      dy = np.array([[periodic_diff(y1, y2, periodicY) for y1 in y] for y2 in y])
      dz = np.array([[periodic_diff(z1, z2, periodicZ) for z1 in z] for z2 in z])
      d= np.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2 + dz**2)
      # since we can't yet use boolean indexing for masking out zero distances
      # have to fall back on explicit loops instead 
      for i in xrange(len(x)):
        for j in xrange(len(x)):
          if d[i,j] == 0: d[i,j] = -1 
      return d, dx, dy, dz 

    On my machine this runs only ~3x faster than NumPy for N = 2000 (0.39s for NumPy vs. 0.14s for Parakeet). If I rewrite the array traversals to use loops more explicitly then the performance goes up to ~6x faster than NumPy (Parakeet runs in ~0.06s):

    def loopy_dist(x, y, z, L, periodicX, periodicY, periodicZ):
      N = len(x)
      dx = np.zeros((N,N))
      dy = np.zeros( (N,N) )
      dz = np.zeros( (N,N) )
      d = np.zeros( (N,N) )
      def periodic_diff(x1, x2, periodic):
        diff = x1 - x2 
        if periodic:
          if diff > (L / 2): diff -= L
          if diff < (-L/2): diff += L
        return diff
      for i in xrange(N):
        for j in xrange(N):
          dx[i,j] = periodic_diff(x[j], x[i], periodicX)
          dy[i,j] = periodic_diff(y[j], y[i], periodicY)
          dz[i,j] = periodic_diff(z[j], z[i], periodicZ)
          d[i,j] = dx[i,j] ** 2 + dy[i,j] ** 2 + dz[i,j] ** 2 
          if d[i,j] == 0: d[i,j] = -1
          else: d[i,j] = np.sqrt(d[i,j])
      return d, dx, dy, dz 

    With a little creative rewriting you can also get the above code running in Numba, but it only goes ~1.5x faster than NumPy (0.25 seconds). The compile times were Parakeet w/ comprehensions: 1 second, Parakeet w/ loops: .5 seconds, Numba w/ loops: 0.9 seconds.

    Hopefully the next few releases will enable more idiomatic use of NumPy library functions, but for now comprehensions or loops are often the way to go.