I am having a hard time trying to include the GL_ShapeDrawer into my project. This is my first try at c++ and am having a bit of a hard time getting around. Also using Visual Studio 2013. I am playing around with the bullet demos, more specifically the vehicle demo.
I have a c++ openGL project in which I have managed to include bullet physics and I have managed to recreate some of the demo into my own project world, but I have encountered an issue with GL_ShapeDrawer. I don't know how to include this into the external dependencies in order to use the drawOpenGL method, as GL_ShapeDrawer is not part of any of the libs I have manage to include (BulletCollision, BulletDynamics, BulletSoftBody and LinearMath).
I realised I was able to reproduce the things I needed from the demo myself. Therefore there was no need to use the file.