I want to create a rdlc report using Microsoft Report Designer. Due to complexity of my data (the given below is just an example) I do not use View on Database side. So, I have to use seperate tables (data sources) for my report design. Now, as it can be seen the example below I have one report page and I want to show PERSONAL, FAMILY and JOB INFO for each person.
There are Textboxes on PERSONAL INFO section. The data is come from table_Personal,
There are a Table on FAMILY INFO section. The data is come from Table_Famiy,
There are a Table on JOB INFO section. The data is come from Table_Job and all the three tables contain Person_Id column.
Name : Christof
Surname : Robin
Age : 45
No----- Name----- Age----- Birt Place
1------ Sarah----- 12------ London
2------ Albert----- 16------ Manchester
3------ David----- 23------ NY
No------ Company----- Start Year
1------- Xyz----------- 2005
2------- T Mobile------- 1999
3------- Day Inn------- 1993
My question is;
1) I do not want to use Subreport and do not combine these tables in db side by using view (I have searchhed, but for 3 or more tables it is impossible I think). So, is it possible to create a master-detail report like above by grouping items (table, list, etc.) and without using subreport on rdlc? If so, could you explain a little bit please?
2) I have tried to create such a kind of report like that; I use a List and inserted all the textboxes and three tables above to this list. I assign all the three tables as Report Data Sources. I make List.DataSetName = Table_Personal and List.Grouping settings select Group on : Person_Id and some other combination. But, unfortunately I have not managed to create such a kind of report group like above.
Could you help me please by giving some advice and if you have some sample rdlc page source please? ...Shohel
Yes it is possible but I'd done it like 6 months ago, so I don't have any sample code right now.
I have done a lot of similar cases. One such case is there are a list of students and each student has a list of marks, a list of achievements, etc.
If I remember correctly I used one storedprocedure to get all the details of all the students. One dataset. And put 'em all in one tablix and grouped 'em.
The sub-lists (like the list of marks) are separate tablixes themselves and are inserted in textboxes of the main tablix.
Hope it helps! :)