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Yiiframework Range Slider input

I have a user settings page where users can change the settings of the application. The users can input a number between 0 and 10. See screenshot:

Now I would like to transform the input fields into a range slider using the CJuiSliderInput widget of the yiiframework:

I cannot seem to get the code working, this is the current code in view:

<?php foreach($settings as $i=>$value): ?> 
    <?php $setting=UserSetting::model()->findByPk($value->setting_id); ?> 
    <h4><?php echo CHtml::encode($setting->label); ?></h3> 
    <?php echo CHtml::activeTextField($value,"[$i]value"); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

I would like to replace the activeTextField with

    // additional javascript options for the slider plugin

What values do I need to fill in to the widget to get it to work? Each textField input is from a different model btw.

The controller looks something like this(don't know if you need it):

$settingsvalues = UserSettingValue::model()->findAll('client_id=:id', array(
    ':id' => $id,                       
    $valid = true; 
    foreach($settingsvalues as $i=>$value){
            $value->attributes = $_POST['UserSettingValue'][$i]; 
        $valid = $value->validate() && $valid; 
    'model' => $model, 
    'settings' => $settingsvalues,

Thanks a lot!


  • I fixed the problem by putting a javascript function in the slider. It is not exactly as I intended in the beginning, but it'll do. The slider now changes the value in the input fields.

                        'name' => $i, 
                          'animate' => true,
    )); ?>