I always thought that the answer to this was no, but I cannot find any source stating this.
In my class below, can I access (managed) fields/properties of an instance of C
in the finalizer, i.e. in ReleaseUnmanaged()
? What restrictions, if any, are there? Will GC or finalization ever have set these members to null?
The only thing I can find is that stuff on the finalizer queue can be finalized in any order. So in that case, since the recommendation is that types should allow users to call Dispose()
more than once, why does the recommended pattern bother with a disposing
? What bad things might happen if my finalizer called Dispose(true)
instead of Dispose(false)
public class C : IDisposable
private void ReleaseUnmanaged() { }
private void ReleaseOtherDisposables() { }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
~ C()
public void Dispose()
The GC will never collect any object if there is any way via which any code could ever get a reference to it. If the only references that exist to an object are weak references, the GC will invalidate them so that there's no way any code could ever get a reference to that object, whereupon it will then be able to collect it.
If an object has an active finalizer, then if the GC would collect it (but for the existence of the finalizer), the GC will instead add it to a queue of objects whose finalizers should be run ASAP and, having done so, de-activate it. The reference within the queue will prevent the GC from collecting the object until the finalizer has run; once the finalizer finishes, if no other references exist to the object and it hasn't re-registered its finalizer, it will cease to exist.
The biggest problems with finalizers accessing outside objects are:
A finalizer will be run in a threading context which is unrelated to any threading context where the object was used, but should not perform any operations which cannot be guaranteed to complete quickly. This often creates contradictory requirement that code use locking when accessing other objects, but that code not block while waiting on locks.
If a finalizer has a reference to another object which also has a finalizer, there's no guarantee as to which will run first.
Both of these factors severely limit the ability of objects with finalizers tosafely access outside objects they don't own. Further, because of the way finalization is implemented, it's possible for the system to decide to run a finalizer when no strong references exist, but for external strong references to be created and used before the finalizer runs; the object with the finalizer has no say in whether that happens.