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How to handle variable number of arguments (nargs='*')

I thought that nargs='*' was enough to handle a variable number of arguments. Apparently it's not, and I don't understand the cause of this error.

The code:

p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
p.add_argument('--spam', default=24, type=int, dest='spam')
p.add_argument('vars', nargs='*')

p.parse_args('1 2 --spam 8 8 9'.split())

I think the resulting namespace should be Namespace(pos='1', foo='2', spam='8', vars=['8', '9']). Instead, argparse gives this error:

usage: [-h] [--spam SPAM] pos foo [vars [vars ...]]
error: unrecognized arguments: 9 8

Basically, argparse doesn't know where to put those additional arguments... Why is that?


  • The relevant Python bug is Issue 15112.

    argparse: nargs='*' positional argument doesn't accept any items if preceded by an option and another positional

    When argparse parses ['1', '2', '--spam', '8', '8', '9'] it first tries to match ['1','2'] with as many of the positional arguments as possible. With your arguments the pattern matching string is AAA*: 1 argument each for pos and foo, and zero arguments for vars (remember * means ZERO_OR_MORE).

    ['--spam','8'] are handled by your --spam argument. Since vars has already been set to [], there is nothing left to handle ['8','9'].

    The programming change to argparse checks for the case where 0 argument strings is satisfying the pattern, but there are still optionals to be parsed. It then defers the handling of that * argument.

    You might be able to get around this by first parsing the input with parse_known_args, and then handling the remainder with another call to parse_args.

    To have complete freedom in interspersing optionals among positionals, in issue 14191, I propose using parse_known_args with just the optionals, followed by a parse_args that only knows about the positionals. The parse_intermixed_args function that I posted there could be implemented in an ArgumentParser subclass, without modifying the code itself.

    Here's a way of handling subparsers. I've taken the parse_known_intermixed_args function, simplified it for presentation sake, and then made it the parse_known_args function of a Parser subclass. I had to take an extra step to avoid recursion.

    Finally I changed the _parser_class of the subparsers Action, so each subparser uses this alternative parse_known_args. An alternative would be to subclass _SubParsersAction, possibly modifying its __call__.

    from argparse import ArgumentParser
    def parse_known_intermixed_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
        # self - argparse parser
        # simplified from
        parsefn = super(SubParser, self).parse_known_args # avoid recursion
        positionals = self._get_positional_actions()
        for action in positionals:
            # deactivate positionals
            action.save_nargs = action.nargs
            action.nargs = 0
        namespace, remaining_args = parsefn(args, namespace)
        for action in positionals:
            # remove the empty positional values from namespace
            if hasattr(namespace, action.dest):
                delattr(namespace, action.dest)
        for action in positionals:
            action.nargs = action.save_nargs
        # parse positionals
        namespace, extras = parsefn(remaining_args, namespace)
        return namespace, extras
    class SubParser(ArgumentParser):
        parse_known_args = parse_known_intermixed_args
    parser = ArgumentParser()
    sp = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd')
    sp._parser_class = SubParser # use different parser class for subparsers
    spp1 = sp.add_parser('cmd1')
    print parser.parse_args('foo cmd1 bar -x one 8 9'.split())
    # Namespace(bar='bar', cmd='cmd1', foo='foo', vars=['8', '9'], x='one')