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How do I get the list of login stems for configured backends in python-social-auth?

I have a Django project running django-rest-framework to provide a backend for BackboneJS application. I am trying to implement python-social-auth to authenticate the app via AJAX.

I need to send via AJAX a list of possible login urls to render in the BackboneJS view e.g.

{ 'login_urls' : [

but to do this I need access this data on the backend in Django. I can access the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting but this only gives a list of strings containing references to modules - how would I convert these to urls?


  • Thanks to the heads up from mariodev, the buried social.backends.utils module contains a function to extract the backends from the configured settings ...

    from social.backends.utils import load_backends
    import myprojectname.settings as settings
    backends = load_backends(settings.AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS)
    login_urls = ['//%s/login/%s/' % (settings.MY_SERVER_HOSTNAME, name) for name in backend.keys()]