Ok, so I have a char stringA and char stringB, and I want to be able to insert stringB into stringA at point x.
char *stringA = "abcdef";
char *stringB = "123";
with a product of "ab123cdef"
does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance
char * strA = "Blahblahblah", * strB = "123", strC[50];
int x = 4;
strncpy(strC, strA, x);
strC[x] = '\0';
strcat(strC, strB);
strcat(strC, strA + x);
printf("%s\n", strC);
Hope that helps.
Remark: remember to make strC long enough to contain both strA and strC, otherwise you'll produce a segmentation fault. You may do this by declaring the string as an array, like in my example.