I have a Rails 4 application and I am using the attr_encrypted
gem to store SSN in an encrypted form in the DB.
What I am trying to do is only display the last 4 digits when editing / showing the form. So essentially once the SSN has been saved, users can't see the full SSN in the form. So I've tried doing the following,
class PaymentData < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_encrypted :ssn, key: 'secret'
alias_method :org_ssn, :ssn
def ssn
org_ssn.reverse # just a way of testing if this works
What I am seeing that the on the show form, which uses <%= @payment_data.ssn %>
, it works fine. But on my edit form which is using <%= f.input :ssn %>
, the edit field is prepopulated with the full SSN.
Note: I am using the simple_form
gem for my forms, but if I use the basic, <%= f.text_field :ssn %>
syntax, I see the same full SSN.
What am I doing wrong here?
This is what I ended up doing,
def obfuscated_ssn
return ssn unless ssn && ssn.size > 3
ssn.last(4).rjust(ssn.length, '*')
def obfuscated_ssn=(ssn)
self.ssn = ssn unless ssn.include?('*')
This is a bit hacky, but it displays the SSN with a redacted string, but then doesn't save a string with the redacted bits, *
, to keep bad data from getting the database.