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StackOverflow exception in my F# code

I am hunting for a particular method in a group of assemblies. in order to find my method, I have written this code

module MethodNameExtractor

open System
open System.IO
open System.Reflection

let ListMethodsInAssembly (input : AssemblyName) =   
    let appd = AppDomain.CreateDomain("temp")
      let assm = Assembly.Load(input)
      |> Array.toSeq
      |> Seq.fold (fun accm ty -> Seq.append accm (ty.GetMethods() |> Array.toSeq)) Seq.empty
      |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name <> "GetType" && x.Name <> "ToString" && x.Name <> "GetHashCode" && x.Name <> "GetType") 
  | :? System.Exception -> Seq.empty

let ListAllDlls = 
  let rec expandDir (parent : DirectoryInfo) accm =    
    let files = parent.GetFiles() |>  Array.toSeq |> (fun f -> try Some(AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName f.FullName) with | :? System.Exception -> None)
    let accm = Seq.append files accm
    let subDirs = parent.GetDirectories() |> Array.toSeq
    Seq.fold (fun accm d -> expandDir d accm) accm subDirs

  let basePath = "c:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\assembly\\"
  let loc = ["GAC_64"; "GAC_MSIL";] |> List.toSeq  
  Seq.fold (fun acc l ->
      let path = basePath + l
      expandDir (new DirectoryInfo(path)) acc

let main args =   
  |> Seq.fold (
      fun accm x -> 
        match x with 
        | Some(a) -> Seq.append accm (ListMethodsInAssembly a)
        | None -> accm
    ) Seq.empty  
  |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%s" x.Name)

My hope was that since I am using Sequences and Tail Recursion.... I should not be consuming much memory and if I could leave my code running long enough, I could get a list of methods in all the assemblies.

My code is pretty straight forward... get a list of DLLs in all the directories and subdirectories.

Load DLL and get Types... and then from Types get all public methods...

But the code processes approx 2 million records and then gets StackOverflow Exception.

I am already using Tail recursion and Sequence... How can I further improve this code?


  • There are a few problems with your code:

    • Your combination of Seq.fold, Seq.append and Seq.empty is a poor implementation of Seq.collect or yield! in sequence expression.
    • You don't need options here, just skip generation in sequence expression or use Seq.choose.
    • You don't need Array.toSeq or List.toSeq when you apply functions on sequences to lists/arrays.
      • try ... with | :? System.Exception can be shortened to try ... with _

    Your expandDir function isn't tail-recursive. If you change it to use sequence expression, it is optimized using CPS so StackOverflow doesn't happen.

    Here is an improved version. I think it is more readable and probably faster.

    let ListMethodsInAssembly (input : AssemblyName) =   
        let appd = AppDomain.CreateDomain("temp")
          let assm = Assembly.Load(input)
          |> Seq.collect (fun ty -> ty.GetMethods())
          |> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.Name <> "GetType" && x.Name <> "ToString" && x.Name <> "GetHashCode" && x.Name <> "GetType") 
      with _ -> Seq.empty
    let ListAllDlls = 
      let rec expandDir (parent : DirectoryInfo) = 
        let getAssemblyNameFromFile (f : FileInfo) =   
               [ AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName f.FullName ]
            with _ -> []
        seq {
            for f in parent.GetFiles() do
                yield! getAssemblyNameFromFile f
            for subDir in parent.GetDirectories() do
                yield! expandDir subDir
      let basePath = "c:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\assembly\\"
      let loc = ["GAC_64"; "GAC_MSIL";]
      seq {
        for l in loc do  
            let path = basePath + l
            yield! expandDir (DirectoryInfo(path))
    let main args =   
      |> Seq.collect ListMethodsInAssembly
      |> Seq.iter (fun x -> printfn "%s" x.Name)