We have a requirement to add an event reminder when a user enters their email address on an event page. Event is another domain object. Our initial thought was to create a Customer domain object and related CustomerService:
public class CustomerService {
public void AddEventReminder(string emailAddress, int eventId) {
var customer = new Customer(emailAddress);
How can we verify in a unit test that the AddEmailReminder method was indeed called on the new customer?
My thoughts:
On a separate note (maybe it is related), how do we decide which is the aggregate root here? We have arbitrarily decided the customer is, but it could equally be the event. I have read and understand articles on aggregate roots, but it is unclear in this scenario.
In cases like this I would create a protected method in the service that creates the customer, in the test override that method it with anonymous inner class, and make it return a mock Customer object. Then you can verify on the mock Customer object that AddEmailReminder was called. Something like:
public class CustomerService {
public void AddEventReminder(string emailAddress, int eventId) {
var customer = createCustomer(emailAddress);
protected Customer createCustomer(string emailAddress) {
return new Customer(emailAddress);
and in the test (assume limited C# knowledge, but it should illustrate the point):
void testCustomerCreation() {
/* final? */ Customer mockCustomer = new Customer("email");
CustomerService customerService = new CustomerService() {
protected Customer createCustomer(string emailAddress) {
return mockCustomer;
customerService.AddEventReminder("email", 14);
assertEquals(mockCustomer.EventReminder() /* ? */, 14);