I have a default, blank windows store application with the following code added:
static physx::PxDefaultErrorCallback gDefaultErrorCallback;
I have the following in my Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies setting:
I have added the include directory: MyPhysXPath\Include
The libraries are in this directory: MyPhysXPath\Lib\win8arm
If I add that path to the "Library Directories" setting I get a LNK2019 error for PxDefaultErrorCallback.
If I add that path to the "Libraries WinRT Directories" setting I get a LNK1104 error for PhysX3CHECKED_arm.lib.
If I add that path to both settings I get the LNK2019 error.
It's easy to get the project to build by linking to the win32 libraries, but it won't run.
My questions are:
thank you!
Nvidia has a specific set of libraries to target WinRT on an x86 platform.