I would like to rename all the .log as .ok from a particular folder and subdirectories
The following will usually work just fine:
@echo off
for /r "PathToYourFolderHere" %%F in (.) do ren "%%F\*.log" *.ok
But the above can have problems if short file names are enabled on your drive and you have extensions longer than 3 characters. It will also rename files like name.log2
because the short name will have an extension of .log
The following will only rename true .log
@echo off
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in (
'"dir /b /s /a-d PathToYourFolder\*.log|findstr /lie .log"'
) do ren "%%F" *.ok
Note: The rules for how RENAME treats wildcards can be found at How does the Windows RENAME command interpret wildcards?