Got a winform C# application.
It allows a stream of images to be displayed (like a video).
I also upload these jpegs 1 at time to my web server and a User can view these jpegs (like a video).
In the quest to make my code as efficient as possible I was wondering whether I can execute the part of my code that is responsible for uploading these images under a different priority - like real time for instance?
Is this possible?
If so..
Do I have to port my class object responsible for uploading these images into an external DLL? Then how would I 'launch' it under a different process priority?
If all this is possible, and If I accept the possible trade off of other processes on my PC which may be affected by all this will it actually give me an improved performance?
I do not think the threads priorities will help you to solve the problem but if you want yes you can change the threads priority in C# and you have also a a lot of libraries which are helping you to control the thread workflow like
TPL for Task Parallel Library very powerful on multi processors.
Think carefully before elevating a thread’s priority — it can lead to problems such as resource starvation for other threads.
using (Process p = Process.GetCurrentProcess())
p.PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.High;
enum ThreadPriority { Lowest, BelowNormal, Normal, AboveNormal, Highest }
I recommnded you to use encoding/decoding for the images this will help you to convert a sequence of images to video. look to this link: