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How to coordinate tests in remote machines with Jenkins?

I am using Jenkins for my build and integration testing.

After build is completed, the build artifacts are deployed into the remote machines. I am using JMeter to perform load testing.

I also need to SSH into the boxes and then I need to run several commands.

I can use Expect command in Linux to Automate this for example, to log on to a remote machine and then to run the commands that I need.

However I have to support both Linux and Windows and I am not sure how I can do this Windows.

Can any one give any suggestions regarding this? Probably some Jenkins plugin can help here?


  • Create a separate jobs your build and the test.

    Control the trigger sequence by with Build Trigger > Build after other project are built.


    Create another controller job, use parameterized tirgger pluggin to control the sequence of your whole execution.

    Hope this helps ;D