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Django per user view caching

I need a per user caching. The regular view caching does unfortunately not support user-based caching.

I tried the template fragment caching like this:

{% load cache %}
{% cache 500 "mythingy" request.user %}
    ... HTML stuff ...
{% endcache %}

but it's slow as hell.

Does anybody know a faster way to achieve what I need?


  • I found the solution!

    Here is this Portuguese code snippet which works like a charm!

    The good thing is that I don't need to fiddle around my template code but can use a clean decorator!

    Code is included below

    # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
    Python >= 2.4
    Django >= 1.0
    from django.core.cache import cache
    def cache_per_user(ttl=None, prefix=None, cache_post=False):
        '''Decorador que faz cache da view pra cada usuario
        * ttl - Tempo de vida do cache, não enviar esse parametro significa que o
          cache vai durar até que o servidor reinicie ou decida remove-lo 
        * prefix - Prefixo a ser usado para armazenar o response no cache. Caso nao
          seja informado sera usado 'view_cache_'+function.__name__
        * cache_post - Informa se eh pra fazer cache de requisicoes POST
        * O cache para usuarios anonimos é compartilhado com todos
        * A chave do cache será uma das possiveis opcoes:
        def decorator(function):
            def apply_cache(request, *args, **kwargs):
                # Gera a parte do usuario que ficara na chave do cache
                if request.user.is_anonymous():
                    user = 'anonymous'
                    user =
                # Gera a chave do cache
                if prefix:
                    CACHE_KEY = '%s_%s'%(prefix, user)
                    CACHE_KEY = 'view_cache_%s_%s'%(function.__name__, user)       
                # Verifica se pode fazer o cache do request
                if not cache_post and request.method == 'POST':
                    can_cache = False
                    can_cache = True
                if can_cache:
                    response = cache.get(CACHE_KEY, None)
                    response = None
                if not response:
                    response = function(request, *args, **kwargs)
                    if can_cache:
                        cache.set(CACHE_KEY, response, ttl)
                return response
            return apply_cache
        return decorator