I'm trying to learn ReactiveCocoa and I'm writing a simple Space Invaders clone, based on a Ray Wenderlich tutorial. Lately during the development, I faced an issue I can't resolve. Basically I've two signals:
What I want to achieve is to combine these signals in a new one, that fires when both the signals change: is it possible? I saw the combineLatest method, but the block is execute whenever any signals change.
My wanted pseudocode is:
RACSignal *updateEventSignal = [RACSignal interval:1 onScheduler:[RACScheduler mainThreadScheduler]];
RACSignal *gestureSignal = [[UITapGestureRecognizer new] rac_gestureSignal];
[[RACSignal combineBoth:@[gestureSignal, updateEventSignal]
reduce:^id(id tap, id counter){
return tap;
subscribeNext:^(id x) {
NSLog(@"Tapped [%@]", x);
Probably I can achieve the same result in other way or this is not the expected behaviour or ReactiveCocoa, but at this point I wonder if I'm in the right reactive track or not.
Instead of +combineLatest:reduce:
, you want +zip:reduce:
. Zip requires that all the signals change before reducing and sending a new value.