We use ratpack framework for building REST server and spock for testing.
I need to tune spock output when condition unsatisfied (eg. stacktrace or response dump)
For example, following test:
def "Vk: Auth mr. John"() {
request.param "vkId", vkId
request.param "vkToken", vkToken
request.port 5050
def resp = request.post "/auth/vk"
resp.statusCode() == 200
def json = resp.jsonPath()
with(json) {
response != null
response.token != null
response.userId != null
Produces following error:
Condition not satisfied:
resp.statusCode() == 200
| | |
| 500 false
How can I make spock to provide more details such as response body?
I think you have to do something like:
assert resp.statusCode == 200,
"resp.statusCode == $resp.statusCode (not 200) $resp.body"