I'm trying to decide on the best strategy for accessing the database. I understand that this is a generic question and there's no a single good answer, but I will provide some guidelines on what I'm looking for. The last few years we have been using our own persistence framework, that although limited has served as well. However it needs some major improvements and I'm wondering if I should go that way or use one of the existing frameworks. The criteria that I'm looking for, in order of importance are:
Client code should work with clean objects, width no database knowledge. When using our custom framework the client code looks like:
SessionManager session = new SessionManager(); Order order = session.CreateEntity(); order.Date = DateTime.Now; // Set other properties OrderDetail detail = order.AddOrderDetail(); detail.Product = product; // Other properties
// Commit all changes now session.Commit();
Should as simple as possible and not "too flexible". We need a single way to do most things.
With my current knowledge I see these options:
What will you suggest?
Thank you Craig for the elaborate answer. I think it will help more if I give more details about our custom framework. I'm looking for something similar. This is how our custom framework works:
To be compatible with our framework the database must meet these criteria:
What we want to support now is:
I hope it is clearer now what I'm looking for.
Improve our current framework - Problem is that it needs a good deal of effort
In your question, you have not given a reason why you should rewrite functionality which is available from so many other places. I would suggest that reinventing an ORM is not a good use of your time, unless you have unique needs for the ORM which you have not specified in your question.
ADO.NET Entity Framework
We are using the Entity Framework in the real world, production software. Complicated? No more so than most other ORMs as far as I can tell, which is to say, "fairly complicated." However, it is relatively new, and as such there is less community experience and documentation than something like NHibernate. So the lack of documentation may well make it seem more complicated.
The Entity Framework and NHibernate take distinctly different approaches to the problem of bridging the object-relational divide. I've written about that in a good bit more detail in this blog post. You should consider which approach makes the most sense to you.
There has been a great deal of commentary about the Entity Framework, both positive and negative. Some of it is well-founded, and some of the seems to come from people who are pushing other solutions. The well-founded criticisms include
However, some of the criticisms seem to me to miss the forest for the trees. That is, they talk about features other than the essential functionality of object relational mapping, which the Entity Framework has proven to us to do very well.
LINQ to SQL - Does not have good handling of object-oriented practices
I agree. I also don't like the SQL Server focus.
nHibernate - Seems a good option, but some users report too many archaic errors.
Well, the nice thing about NHibernate is that there is a very vibrant community around it, and when you do encounter those esoteric errors (and believe me, the Entity Framework also has its share of esoteric errors; it seems to come with the territory) you can often find solutions very easily. That said, I don't have a lot of personal experience with NHibernate beyond the evaluation we did which led to us choosing the Entity Framework, so I'm going to let other people with more direct experience comment on this.
SubSonic - From a short introduction, it seems too flexible. I do not want that.
SubSonic is, of course, much more than just an ORM, and SubSonic users have the option of choosing a different ORM implementation instead of using SubSonic's ActiveRecord. As a web application framework, I would consider it. However, its ORM feature is not its raison d'être, and I think it's reasonable to suspect that the ORM portion of SubSonic will get less attention than the dedicated ORM frameworks do.