I have an SQL table with a column categoryX that contains dates (format: yyyy-mm-dd). How can i group the table by categories in this column and get the newest (most recent) date for each group ?
I am looking for something similar to the below which only counts the categories for each group - just instead of the count I would like to get the newest date for each group.
Here are the details on the table and column:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[CountRequests]
SELECT categoryX,
COUNT(*) AS categoryCount
FROM LogRequests
WHERE logStatus = 'active'
AND statusSOP != 'Published'
GROUP BY categoryX
ORDER BY categoryCount desc, categoryX
FOR XML PATH('categoryX'), ELEMENTS, TYPE, ROOT('ranks')
Many thanks for any help with this
Your query will be something similar to
SELECT categoryX,
MAX(CategoryDate) AS LatestDate
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY categoryX