How can I insert a whole bunch of rows into an XML variable without using a cursor? I know I can do
SET @errors.modify('insert <error>{ sql:variable("@text") }</error> as last into /errors[1]')
to insert the value of a variable, but I want to basically do
SET @errors.modify(SELECT 'insert <error>{ sql:column("text") }</error>' FROM table)
which, of course, isn't legal syntax.
Edit: Obviously my question wasn't clear. What I want is to be able to do like this:
CREATE TABLE my_table(text nvarchar(50))
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES('Message 2')
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES('Message 3')
DECLARE @errors xml
SET @errors = '<errors><error>Message 1</error></errors>'
And after running this code, @errors should contain
<error>Message 1</error>
<error>Message 2</error>
<error>Message 3</error>
Based on marc's answer, here is a solution that works for SQL Server 2005:
CREATE TABLE #my_table(text nvarchar(50))
INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('Message 2')
INSERT INTO #my_table VALUES('Message 3')
DECLARE @errors xml
SET @errors = '<errors><error>Message 1</error></errors>'
SELECT @errors = CAST(@errors AS nvarchar(max)) + '<new>' + (SELECT text AS 'error' FROM #my_table FOR XML PATH(''), ELEMENTS) + '</new>'
SET @errors = CAST(@errors AS nvarchar(max)) + '<new>' + @newErrors + '</new>'
SET @errors.modify('insert (/new/*) as last into (/errors)[1]')
SET @errors.modify('delete (/new)')
SELECT @errors
DROP TABLE #my_table
Will return
<error>Message 1</error>
<error>Message 2</error>
<error>Message 3</error>