I am trying to adjust the line color, fill color and opacity within my map circle.
<script type="text/javascript">
circle = [{lng: <%= @listing.longitude %>, lat: <%= @listing.latitude %>, radius: 2500, strokeColor:"#0000FF",strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 3, fillColor: 'transparent'}]
handler = Gmaps.build('Google');
handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw @hash.to_json %>);
}); </script>
Changing the radius value works properly, however adjusting strokeColor, strokeOpacity, strokeWeight, etc has no impact on the map.
How do I override these settings?
As the source says, you can pass your options as a second argument:
circle = [{lng: <%= @listing.longitude %>, lat: <%= @listing.latitude %>, radius: 2500 }]
circle_options = { strokeColor:"#0000FF",strokeOpacity: 1, strokeWeight: 3, fillColor: 'transparent' }
handler.addCircles(circle, circle_options);