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How to set number of items in owner-drawn listbox

I've implemented the MeasureItem and DrawItem methods in my C# owner-drawn-fixed listbox.

Nothing shows up.

Out of desperation, I added three random strings to the Items collection, and THE FIRST THREE OF MY ITEMS SHOWED UP!

This tells me the listbox didn't know there were items. Do I have to add hundreds of dummy items to the Items collection, just to see MY items?? This is dingbatty; there should be a way to TELL the listbox how many items there are -- I just can't find it!

How do you set the number of items in an owner-drawn listbox?

The code:

private void listVersions_MeasureItem (object sender, MeasureItemEventArgs e)
    e.ItemHeight = font.Height + 6;

private void listVersions_DrawItem (object sender, DrawItemEventArgs e)
    if (entries == null)

    int i = e.Index;

    if (i < 0 || i >= entries.Count)

    e.Graphics.FillRectangle (new SolidBrush (BackColor), e.Bounds);
    VersionEntry ent = entries[i];
    Rectangle rect = e.Bounds;
    Graphics g = e.Graphics;

    g.DrawString (i.ToString () + "  " +, font, Brushes.Black, rect.Location);


  • Try making the DataSource of your ListBox your entries collection:

    listVersions.DataSource = entries