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htaccess 301 redirect while replacing characters in URL - Helicon ASAPI ReWrite module

I have an old site that is being rebuilt. Instead of using a folders structure, it is using sub-domains. The segments are different, but the redirect itself is pretty simple. I can handle it like so:

RewriteRule ^segment/blog/view$ [R=301,NE,NC,L]
RewriteRule ^segment/blog$ [R=301,NE,NC,L]

So if I had, it will now go to If I had, currently it redirects it to and I NEED it to go here:

My issue comes from a decision to change the separator in the URI. The old articles were built with underscores '_' and the new articles are built with hyphens '-'.

How can I replace the underscores in the article titles with hyphens?


  • I ended up having to use the following. I don't know how many people this might effect due to the unique settings for this site in particular, but thought I would post the answer so it could help anyone that might need it.

    The full settings on this are a server running IIS with Server 2k. The site consists of several static content pages, vb script, classic ASP, dot Net, and this is all intertwined with ExpressionEngine pages. It's a mess to say the least. To top it off, Helicon Tech's ASAPI Rewrite Module version 3 is running on the server for .htaccess usage. No sub-expressions, groupings, etc. were taking or being followed/processed. The index.php rule was getting bypassed as well.

    This all said, I ended up with the following which parsed everything I needed.

    RewriteRule ^index.php/segment/blog/view/([^_]*)_+(.*)$$1-$2 [R,NC]
    RewriteRule ^index.php/segment/blog/view/([^_]*)$$1  [R=301,I,L,U]
    RewriteRule ^segment/blog$ [R=301,NE,NC,L]
    RewriteRule ^/segment/blog$ [R,I,L]