I have a CSV with columns that have gx_location, ints, and dollar amounts. I cannot figure out the proper VRT to accompany this file when uploading to Google Maps Engine so the dollar amounts show up correctly in GME.
The CSV looks like:
store #1,SPRINGFIELD VA 22150,1,"1,269.00",0:00:00,29,"16,424.00"
store #2,ATLANTA GA 30354,2,587.00,0:00:00,5,"1,865.00"
The VRT looks like:
<OGRVRTLayer name="a00">
<SrcDataSource relativeToVrt="1">a00.csv</SrcDataSource>
<GeometryField reportSrcColumn="false" encoding="WKB" field="gx_location" />
<Field name="Name" src="Name" type="String" />
<Field name="gx_location" src="gx_location" type="String" />
<Field name="Units" src="Units" type="Integer" />
<Field name="Sales" src="Sales" type="Real" precision="2" />
<Field name="Hour" src="Hour" type="String" />
<Field name="TotalUnits" src="TotalUnits" type="Integer" />
<Field name="TotalSales" src="TotalSales" type="Real" precision="2" />
When it gets to Maps Engine, in the 'Edit vector data' page it looks like (imagine a table. I've used three spaces to separate entries):
store #1 SPRINGFIELD VA 22150 1 1 0:00:00 29 16
store #2 ATLANTA GA 30354 2 587 0:00:00 5 1
I am loading the dollar amounts with the formatting (the comma) because that's the format I would like in the info popup. Plus, I would like to do < (less than) and > (greater than) comparisons with the numbers in that field.
Thanks in advance for the assistance.
The problem is the formatted dollar amount within the quotes ("16,424.00"). It seems GME interprets this as a string rather than a real or integer. Changing it to 16424.00 works with Real precision 2.