Search code examples

Calculating elapsed time between two dates with times

I have created a function that takes 2 dates and returns descriptive duration like this:

1 Year 3 Months 2 Weeks 5 Days 10 Hours

The problem I am facing with this function is that if the duration is less than a month but if the two dates belong to different months, it returns month duration.

Can someone please help me tweak this function?

You can find the query here:

As you can see I am passing start date as 2013-08-29 13:48:35.710 and end date as 2013-09-03 17:04:27.493 and that should have returned the duration as 5 days 3 hours 15 minutes but it returns 1 Month 3 Hours 15 minutes.

How do I tweak this in such a way that it displays the correct duration?


    DECLARE @result VARCHAR(100)
    DECLARE @years BIGINT, @months BIGINT, @weeks BIGINT, @days BIGINT, @hours BIGINT, @minutes BIGINT
    SET @date1 = '20130829 13:48:35.710'
    SET @date2 = '20130903 17:04:27.493'
    if @date1>@date2 
      SET @KEEP=@date1
      SET @date1=@date2
      SET @date2=@KEEP  
    Select @years=DATEDIFF(yy,@date1,@date2)
    if DateAdd(yy,-@years,@date2)<@date1 Select @years=@years-1
    Set @date2= DateAdd(yy,-@years,@date2)
    Select @months=DATEDIFF(mm,@date1,@date2)
    if DateAdd(mm,-@months,@date2)<@date1 Select @months=@months-1
    Set @date2= DateAdd(mm,-@months,@date2)
    Select @weeks=DATEDIFF(wk,@date1,@date2)
    if DateAdd(wk,-@weeks,@date2)<@date1 Select @weeks=@weeks-1
    Set @date2= DateAdd(wk,-@weeks,@date2)        
    Select @days=DATEDIFF(dd,@date1,@date2)
    if DateAdd(dd,-@days,@date2)<@date1 Select @days=@days-1
    Set @date2= DateAdd(dd,-@days,@date2)
    Select @hours=DATEDIFF(hh,@date1,@date2)
    if DateAdd(hh,-@hours,@date2)<@date1 Select @hours=@hours-1
    Set @date2= DateAdd(hh,-@hours,@date2)
    Select @minutes=DATEDIFF(mi,@date1,@date2)
    Select @result= ISNULL(CAST(NULLIF(@years,0) as varchar(10)) + ' Years','')
         + ISNULL(' ' + CAST(NULLIF(@months,0) as varchar(10)) + ' Months','')
         + ISNULL(' ' + CAST(NULLIF(@weeks,0) as varchar(10)) + ' Weeks','')     
         + ISNULL(' ' + CAST(NULLIF(@days,0) as varchar(10)) + ' Days','')
         + ISNULL(' ' + CAST(NULLIF(@hours,0) as varchar(10)) + ' Hours','')
         + ISNULL(' ' + CAST(@minutes as varchar(10)) + ' Minutes','')
    Select @result     
    -- OUTPUT :  5 Days 3 Hours 16 Minutes