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find repetition cell array

I have a cell array like

 A = {'hello'; 2; 3; 4; 'hello';2;'hello'}

I would like to find if there are repetitions in this array and identify their names and indexes. In this example I would like to have something like:

names = {'hello';2};
indexes = [1, 5, 7;
         2, 6, 0];

I've put the last element of the second row of index to 0 just to not have problems in the dimensions...My problem is that the cell array is both char and double...I don't know how to deal with this...


  • It's messy, but it can be done:

    m = max(cellfun(@length, A));
    A2 = cellfun(@(e) [double(e) inf(1,m-length(e)) ischar(e)], A, 'uni' ,false);
    A2 = cell2mat(A2);
    [~, ~, jj] = unique(A2,'rows');
    num = accumarray(jj,1,[],@numel);
    [~, kk] = max(bsxfun(@eq, jj, find(num>1).'));
    names = A(kk);
    indices = arrayfun(@(n) find(jj==jj(kk(n))), 1:length(kk), 'uni', false);

    How this works: A2 is just A converted to a matrix of numbers. Each row represents one entry of A, with the last column used as a flag to distinguish original numbers from original strings, and inf used as a filler. Then the usual couple of unique and accumarray do the actual job, and the results are obtained from jj and num with some comparisons and indexing.