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Event Source Live streaming in Ruby on rails onError method

I'm trying to implement basic Rails 4 code with Event Wource API & Action controller live. Everything is fine but I'm not able to reach event listener.

Controller code:

  class HomeController < ApplicationController
            include ActionController::Live
     def tester 
            response.headers["Content-Type"] = "text/event-stream"
            3.times do |n|
   "message: hellow world! \n\n"
            sleep 2

Js code:

var evSource = new EventSource("/home/tester");

evSource.onopen = function (e) {
  console.log("OPEN state \n";

console.log("EventListener .. code..");

evSource.onerror = function (e) {
   console.log("Error State  \n\n";

When I reload the page, my console output was "OPEN state" & then "Error State". Event listener code was not displaying.

  1. When I'm curling the page, "message: Hellow world!" was displaying.

  2. I changed in development.rb

    config.cache_classes = true
    config.eager_load = true

  3. My browsers are chrome & firefox are latest versions, so no issues with them

Where I'm missing? suggestions please!


  • Event format for server-sent events is

    "data: message text\n\n"

    So, in your case it should be like: "data: hello world! \n\n"

    Check this MDN page for reference.